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Open Recommendations

Tax Administration: IRS Needs to Take Additional Actions to Prepare for New Information Reporting Requirements

Sep 19, 2024
4 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should update IRS's policies and procedures to require a documented risk assessment for substantive tax administration decisions and include guidance on when these assessments are needed, such as when a decision could affect a large number of taxpayers or when decisions could generate congressional or oversight scrutiny. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure offices implementing the lowered Form 1099-K reporting threshold develop and implement a process to comprehensively and systematically document stakeholder feedback. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure the Communication and Liaison Office and the Office of Digital Asset Initiative consult with the offices implementing the lowered Form 1099-K reporting threshold and incorporate any lessons learned and effective outreach strategies into their communication strategy for the new digital asset reporting requirements. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure the Communication and Liaison Office and the Office of Digital Asset Initiative update their Communication Strategy to include periodic evaluation of their outreach and education efforts to assess whether they are meeting the agency's goals and providing timely, understandable, readily available, and accessible information to tax professionals, industry, and taxpayers. (Recommendation 4)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

IRS Workforce: Actions Needed to Address Barriers to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

Sep 09, 2024
8 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure that the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion updates its barrier analysis policies and procedures to incorporate the regular use of many information sources for trigger identification. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure that the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion uses relevant results from our analyses of its workforce composition and of outcomes related to employee promotion, salary, and separation to inform its next annual barrier analysis effort. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure that the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion updates its barrier analysis policies and procedures to ensure regular consultation and collaboration with stakeholders, including employee groups and equal employment opportunity program staff, throughout the barrier analysis process. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure that the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion conducts a comprehensive assessment of and develops recommendations to address staffing issues hampering its ability to perform barrier analyses. (Recommendation 4)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure that the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion uses the results of its comprehensive staffing assessment to take actions to address staffing issues hampering IRS's barrier analyses. (Recommendation 5)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure that the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion establishes a unified DEIA strategic plan to determine goals for and guide the development and implementation of agencywide DEIA initiatives. (Recommendation 6)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

Tax Gap: IRS Should Take Steps to Ensure Continued Improvement in Estimates

Jun 05, 2024
6 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure officials in the Research, Applied Analytics and Statistics Division work with officials in the Small Business/Self-Employed and Large Business and International Divisions to develop and report on analyses that could provide stakeholders with more confidence in the methods used to estimate undetected noncompliance, and information on its root causes. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should complete documentation on key components of the NRP AI models, such as which model options were considered and chosen for implementation, and how IRS determined risk levels and time frames for risk level updates. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should complete documentation for the NRP AI models on the technical specifications needed to run the model, such as how the data are to be split or divided. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure IRS has complete documentation on how to update the NRP sample selection process in response to changes in the operating environment, including the performance of its AI models and risk level analysis. (Recommendation 4)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should complete documentation on processes for assessing the results of AI model updates, including validating the models. (Recommendation 5)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should develop and document a plan for evaluating the redesigned sample selection process, including factors IRS will consider in determining whether or how to continue using it. (Recommendation 6)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

IRS Direct File: Actions Needed during Pilot to Improve Information on Costs and Benefits

Apr 09, 2024
3 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure that relevant officials apply best practices to estimate and document the full costs of developing and operating a Direct File system. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should ensure that relevant officials estimate and document the potential benefits of a Direct File system. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should use the cost and benefit data collected during the pilot along with other relevant considerations to inform future decisions about the Direct File system. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.