U.S. Government Accountability Office
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China is the world's largest investor in international infrastructure financing and development. Through its initiative, the Belt and Road Initiative...
The Department of Defense maintains a stockpile of critical materials that are essential to national defense and civilian life. This stockpile...
Over the last 30 years, the Navy has assigned fewer personnel to ships. The goal was to reduce costs. But there have been concerns that fewer sailors...
Food insecurity among American Indian and Alaska Native households is significantly greater than it is for all U.S. households. In recent years, the U...
Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault often flee their homes to get away from their attackers. This can result in survivors having...
The Department of Defense plans to spend big bucks modernizing the IT systems it uses for everything from health care and human-capital needs, to...
Having police in schools has been the subject of considerable debate in recent years. Police can make students and teachers feel safer. But there are...
The Department of Energy is one of the largest federal research funding agencies. While this research funding is important, so is ensuring that...
Several high-profile cases at multiple colleges have raised concerns about how schools are protecting student athletes from sexual harassment and...
Each year, GAO provides a quick look assessing the Department of Defense's major weapons programs. We look at things like investments, schedules, and...
In recent years, more veterans have sought treatment for mental health conditions. Providing them with timely access to this care is a top priority...
Title IX prohibits discrimination in education programs based on sex. It's probably best known for its role in sports--helping to increase girls' and...
After the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a new worldwide health emergency--a global outbreak of Mpox, which may be better known as monkeypox. That...
Our new report estimates, for the first time, the direct financial losses from fraud across federal programs and operations. GAO looked at a recent 5...
The F-35 Lightning II aircraft is the military's most advanced stealth fighter. It's the Department of Defense's most ambitious and costly weapons...
The first Move Over law originated in 1996 in South Carolina. Today, every state has its own law. But despite this, many drivers don’t know about them...
We expect our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines to be combat ready. But sleep deprivation and fatigue can dramatically reduce readiness, and...
At-home testing tools may aid early detection of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and be more cost effective for patients...
U.S. commercial airline traffic dropped 96% during peak pandemic times. In response, the federal government (the taxpayers) provided $132 billion in...
Congress has approved $113 billion dollars in aid for Ukraine. Today, GAO is issuing the first in a series of reports--requested by Congress--about...
We're seeing more deepfakes on social media and in the news. These are videos, audio or images that have been manipulated using artificial...
Head Start is an important program that supports early learning and development in young children (from birth to 5), who live in poverty. Nearly 800...
Serving in the military, especially combat, may carry a psychological cost for active-duty service members. If left untreated, behavioral health...
Here at GAO, we recognize economic trends can change quickly and have major impacts on Americans. We publish reports and provide technical assistance...