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Ransomware: Federal Agencies Provide Useful Assistance but Can Improve Collaboration

GAO-22-104767 Published: Sep 14, 2022. Publicly Released: Oct 04, 2022.
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Fast Facts

Ransomware is a malicious software that encrypts files and leaves data and systems unusable. With ransomware attacks, hackers gain entry into a system, lock out users, and demand payment to regain access.

Homeland Security, FBI, and Secret Service help state, local, and other governments prevent or respond to ransomware attacks on systems like emergency services. Most government entities said they're satisfied with the agencies' prevention and response efforts. But many cited inconsistent communication during attacks as a problem. We recommended that the federal agencies address cited issues and follow key practices for better collaboration.

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What GAO Found

Ransomware is a form of malicious software designed to encrypt files on a device and render data and systems unusable. Malicious actors then demand ransom payments in exchange for restoring access to the locked data and systems. A ransomware attack is not a single event but occurs in stages (see figure).

Figure: Four Stages of a Common Ransomware Attack

Figure: Four Stages of a Common Ransomware Attack

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), FBI, and Secret Service provide assistance in preventing and responding to ransomware attacks on state, local, tribal, and territorial government organizations. For example:

Education and awareness. CISA, in collaboration with FBI, Secret Service, and other federal partners, developed the website to provide a central location for ransomware guidance, alerts, advisories, and reports from federal agencies and partners.

Information sharing and analysis. CISA, FBI, and Secret Service collect and analyze security and ransomware-related information—such as threat indicators, incident alerts, and vulnerability data—and share this information by issuing alerts and advisories. For example, CISA, through a cooperative agreement with the MultiState Information Sharing and Analysis Center, provides intrusion detection sensors to nonfederal entities that reportedly analyze 1 trillion network activity reports per month.

Cybersecurity review and assessment. CISA and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center have provided review and assessment services upon request, such as vulnerability scanning, remote penetration testing, and risk assessments.

  • Incident response. When a ransomware attack occurs, CISA, FBI, and Secret Service can provide incident response assistance to nonfederal entities upon request. CISA and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center provide technical assistance such as forensic analysis of the attack and recommended mitigations. Additionally, FBI and Secret Service primarily collect evidence to conduct criminal investigations and attribute attacks. According to the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments experienced more than 2,800 ransomware incidents from January 2017 through March 2021.

Other federal agencies, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Guard Bureau, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Department of the Treasury have a more indirect role. These agencies provide ransomware assistance to nonfederal entities through administering cybersecurity grants, issuing guidance to manage ransomware risk, or pursuing sanctions to disrupt ransomware activity.

The officials from government organizations that GAO interviewed were generally satisfied with the prevention and response assistance provided by federal agencies. They had generally positive views on ransomware guidance, detailed threat alerts, quality no-cost technical assessments, and timely incident response assistance. However, respondents identified challenges related to awareness, outreach, and communication. For example, half of the respondents who worked with the FBI cited inconsistent communication as a challenge associated with the agency's ransomware assistance.

CISA, FBI, and Secret Service took steps to enhance interagency coordination through existing mechanisms—such as interagency detailees and field-level staff—and demonstrated coordination on a joint ransomware website, guidance, and alerts. However, the three agencies have not addressed aspects of six of seven key practices for interagency collaboration in their ransomware assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments (see table).

Table: Extent to Which Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Secret Service Addressed Key Collaboration Practices in Their Ransomware Assistance

Key practice

Extent addressed

Defining outcomes and monitoring accountability

Not addressed

Bridging organizational cultures

Partially addressed

Identifying and sustaining leadership

Generally addressed

Clarifying roles and responsibilities

Partially addressed

Including relevant participants

Partially addressed

Identifying and leveraging resources

Partially addressed

Developing and updating written guidance and agreements

Partially addressed

Source: GAO analysis of agency documentation. | GAO-22-104767

Specifically, the agencies generally addressed the practice of identifying leadership by designating agency leads for technical- and law enforcement-related ransomware response activities. However, the agencies could improve their efforts to address the other six practices. For instance, existing interagency collaboration on ransomware assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments was informal and lacked detailed procedures.

Recognizing the importance of formalizing interagency coordination on ransomware, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 required CISA to establish a Joint Ransomware Task Force, in partnership with other federal agencies. Among other responsibilities, the task force is intended to facilitate coordination and collaboration among federal entities and other relevant entities to improve federal actions against ransomware threats. Addressing key practices for interagency collaboration in concert with the new ransomware task force can help ensure effective delivery of ransomware assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments.

Why GAO Did This Study

The Department of Homeland Security has reported that ransomware is a serious and growing threat to government operations at the federal, state, and local levels. In recent years, there have been numerous reported ransomware attacks on hospitals, schools, emergency services, and other industries.

GAO was asked to review federal efforts to provide ransomware prevention and response assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial government organizations. Specifically, this report addresses (1) how federal agencies assist these organizations in protecting their assets against ransomware attacks and in responding to related incidents, (2) organizations' perspectives on ransomware assistance received from federal agencies, and (3) the extent to which federal agencies addressed key practices for effective collaboration when assisting these organizations.

GAO reviewed agency documentation from eight federal agencies to identify efforts to help state, local, tribal and territorial governments address ransomware threats. Documents reviewed included agency service catalogs, ransomware guidance, and agency websites. GAO supplemented these reviews with interviews of officials from CISA, FBI, Secret Service, Department of Justice, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Commerce's National Institute for Standards and Technology, and the Department of the Treasury.

GAO also interviewed officials from government organizations receiving federal ransomware assistance who volunteered to share their perspectives. These officials represented governments from four states, eight localities, and one tribal nation. In addition, GAO interviewed officials from six national organizations. These groups included the National Governors Association; National League of Cities; National Association of State Chief Information Officers; and the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers. To analyze responses from these interviews, GAO coded the qualitative data to enable identification of common trends across the interviews. The interview results from these interviews are not generalizable, but provide insight into perspectives on federal assistance in addressing ransomware.

GAO identified three federal agencies that provide direct ransomware assistance—CISA, FBI, and Secret Service—and assessed their efforts against key practices for interagency collaboration. To support its assessment, GAO reviewed agency documentation on collaborative mechanisms and efforts to coordinate assistance, such as joint alerts and guidance, incident coordination procedures, and interagency agreements. GAO also interviewed officials from the three agencies to clarify information about their collaborative efforts.


GAO is making three recommendations to the Department of Homeland Security (CISA and Secret Service) and Department of Justice (FBI) to address identified challenges and incorporate key collaboration practices in delivering services to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments. The agencies concurred with GAO's recommendations.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Homeland Security The Secretary of Homeland Security should direct the Director of CISA to (1) evaluate how to best address concerns raised by SLTTs and facilitate collaboration with other key ransomware stakeholders taking into account its leadership of the new joint ransomware task force and (2) improve interagency coordination on ransomware assistance to SLTTs. (Recommendation 1)
Open – Partially Addressed
DHS agreed with our recommendation and has taken steps towards implementing it. Since September 2022, DHS's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has co-chaired an interagency Joint Ransomware Task Force (JRTF) with the FBI. CISA identified JRTF working groups and planned activities that may help to address state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments concerns and improve interagency coordination on ransomware assistance. For example, CISA stated that the JRTF External Partners Working Group planned to meet in May 2023 and July 2023 to discuss enhancements to interagency collaboration and information sharing on ransomware activity directed at SLTT governments. Additionally, CISA launched its ransomware vulnerability warning pilot in January 2023 to help prevent ransomware attacks on SLTT government networks. However, as of January 2024 CISA has not yet documented results from its planned efforts through the JRTF. To fully address this recommendation, CISA needs to demonstrate its efforts through the JRTF, or other mechanisms, to address concerns raised by SLTT governments and improve interagency collaboration on ransomware assistance. Addressing key practices for interagency collaboration in concert with the ransomware task force can help ensure effective delivery of ransomware assistance to SLTT governments.
Department of Homeland Security The Secretary of Homeland Security should direct the Director of Secret Service to (1) evaluate how to best address concerns raised by SLTTs and facilitate collaboration with other key ransomware stakeholders and (2) improve interagency coordination on ransomware assistance to SLTTs. (Recommendation 2)
Open – Partially Addressed
DHS agreed with our recommendation and has taken steps towards implementing it. Since September 2022, Secret Service has participated in an interagency Joint Ransomware Task Force (JRTF). According to the JRTF charter, the task force intends to, among other things, facilitate coordination and collaboration between federal entities and relevant private sector and state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) government entities to improve federal actions against ransomware threats. In January 2023, Secret Service issued a memorandum to its field offices that highlighted interagency efforts and reinforced the importance of collaborating and providing assistance to SLTT partners for cyber incident response. Secret Service has also extended its joint cyber incident response training initiative to other federal agencies to improve assistance to SLTT governments. Secret Service also identified planned efforts through JRTF working groups that, if effectively implemented, could help to address SLTT concerns and improve interagency coordination on ransomware assistance. As of January 2024, Secret Service had not demonstrated results from its planned efforts through the JRTF. To fully address this recommendation, Secret Service needs to demonstrate its efforts through the JRTF, or other mechanisms, to address concerns raised by SLTT governments and improve interagency collaboration on ransomware assistance. Addressing key practices for interagency collaboration in concert with the ransomware task force can help ensure effective delivery of ransomware assistance to SLTT governments.
Department of Justice The Attorney General should direct the Director of FBI to (1) evaluate how to best address concerns raised by SLTTs and facilitate collaboration with other key ransomware stakeholders and (2) improve interagency coordination on ransomware assistance to SLTTs. (Recommendation 3)
Open – Partially Addressed
The Department of Justice agreed with our recommendation and has taken steps towards implementing it. Since September 2022, FBI has co-chaired an interagency Joint Ransomware Task Force (JRTF) with DHS's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). According to the JRTF charter, the task force intends to, among other things, facilitate coordination and collaboration between federal entities and relevant private sector and state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) government entities to improve federal actions against ransomware threats. According to the FBI, the agency is working with CISA and its interagency partners to coordinate, deconflict, and synchronize existing efforts to disrupt ransomware operations and provide support to the private sector and SLTT governments. FBI noted that the JRTF is listening to government and private sector partners, building staffing, and creating processes and technology to acknowledge and address information gaps. FBI identified five JRTF working groups that aim to, among other things, assess how to effectively provide ransomware victims the information needed to restore services and minimize damage and share information with other government agencies. As of January 2024, FBI had not demonstrated results from its planned efforts through the JRTF. To fully address this recommendation, FBI needs to demonstrate its efforts through the JRTF, or other mechanisms, to address concerns raised by SLTT governments and improve interagency collaboration on ransomware assistance. Addressing key practices for interagency collaboration in concert with the ransomware task force can help ensure effective delivery of ransomware assistance to SLTT governments.

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Office of Public Affairs


Best practicesCritical infrastructureCritical infrastructure protectionCybersecurityCyberspace threatsFederal agenciesHomeland securityInformation sharingInformation systemsInteragency relationsSecret serviceSoftware