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Personnel Clearances: Key Factors for Reforming the Security Clearance Process

GAO-08-776T Published: May 22, 2008. Publicly Released: May 22, 2008.
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Since 1974, GAO has examined personnel security clearance processes and acquired a historical view of key factors to consider in reform efforts. GAO placed the Department of Defense's (DOD) personnel security clearance program, which represents 80 percent of federal government clearances, on its high-risk list in 2005 due to long-standing problems. These problems include incomplete investigative reports from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the agency primarily responsible for providing clearance investigation services; the granting of some clearances by DOD adjudicators even when required data were missing from the investigative reports used to make such determinations; and delays in completing clearance processing. Delays can lead to a heightened risk of disclosure of classified information, additional costs and delays in completing related contracts, and problems retaining qualified personnel. DOD has reported on these continuing delays. However, there has been recent high-level governmentwide attention to improving the process, including establishing a team to develop a reformed federal government security clearance process. This statement addresses four key factors that should be considered in personnel security clearance reforms. This statement draws on GAO's past work, which included reviews of clearance-related documents and interviews of senior officials at DOD and OPM.

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Background investigationsClassified defense informationClassified informationCost analysisCost overrunsData integrityEligibility determinationsEmployee retentionEmployeesFunds managementInformation leakingInvestigations by federal agenciesPersonnel security clearance programsPersonnel security policiesQuality improvementReporting requirementsRequirements definitionRisk factorsRisk managementSchedule slippagesSecurity clearance backlogsSecurity clearancesSecurity investigationsStrategic planningCost estimatesProgram goals or objectivesProgram implementation