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Defense Acquisitions: Future Combat System Risks Underscore the Importance of Oversight

GAO-07-672T Published: Mar 27, 2007. Publicly Released: Mar 27, 2007.
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The Army's Future Combat System (FCS) is a program characterized by bold goals and innovative concepts--transformational capabilities, system-of-systems approach, new technologies, a first-of-a-kind information network, and a total investment cost of more than $200 billion. As such, the FCS program is considered high risk and in need of special oversight and review. Today's testimony is based on work conducted over the past year in response to (1) the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006, which requires GAO to report annually on the FCS acquisition; and (2) the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, which requires GAO to report on the role of the lead systems integrator in the Army's FCS program. Accordingly, this statement discusses (1) the business case for FCS to be successful and (2) the business arrangements for the FCS program.

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Cost analysisCritical technologiesDefense capabilitiesDefense procurementFuture budget projectionsProcurement planningProgram evaluationReporting requirementsResearch and developmentRisk assessmentStrategic planningSystems designCost estimatesProgram goals or objectives