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Fraud in Government Programs: How Extensive Is It and How Can It Be Controlled (Volume III)

AFMD-82-3 Published: Nov 06, 1981. Publicly Released: Nov 10, 1981.
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This is the third of a three-volume report on the results of a statistical analysis of fraud and other illegal activities affecting 21 Federal agencies during the period from October 1, 1976, through March 31, 1979. This volume provides fraud profiles for each agency based on data collected from a statistical sample of 3,227 fraud cases identified by Federal agencies over the 2.5-year period. The sample represents a total universe of 77,211 cases. GAO did not attempt to evaluate the investigative procedures used or the evidence developed. Also, GAO did not independently develop lists of fraud cases, but it selected its sample from lists of cases provided by each agency.

Full Report

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Agency evaluationFederal aid programsFederal employeesFraudInvestigations into federal agenciesLaw enforcementMathematical analysisProgram evaluationRisk managementWhite collar crime