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TVA's Computer Needs Are Valid and ADP Management Is Improving

AFMD-82-24 Published: Jun 09, 1982. Publicly Released: Jun 09, 1982.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) efforts in the area of computer acquisition planning and requirements analysis and validation, specifically with regard to ongoing general purpose equipment procurement and proposed acquisition of scientific processing support and minicomputers.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status Sort descending
Tennessee Valley Authority TVA should develop a policy that will balance the opportunities for using low-cost computers with the need for maintaining control of them.
Closed – Implemented
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Tennessee Valley Authority TVA should incorporate the workload validation discipline in its information systems planning process and formally integrate its information systems planning into its business planning.
Closed – Implemented
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Tennessee Valley Authority TVA should develop and maintain an inventory of its application software. The effective performance of information systems planning requires the full appreciation of all resources used.
Closed – Implemented
An application inventory has been developed.
Tennessee Valley Authority TVA should emphasize the systematic management control of its automatic data processing resources by implementing and enforcing a formalized systems development methodology. Procedures should specify the management level at which reviews and approvals are required, based on clearly defined thresholds of cost, schedule, and scope.
Closed – Implemented
A modified version of the PRIDE systems methodology has been implemented. Both policies and procedures are in place that address all questions of hardware and software as well as in-house application software development projects.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Computer equipment managementCost controlElectric power generationNuclear powerplantsProcurement policyProgram managementSystems analysisIT acquisitionsComputersProcurement