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Major Deficiencies Disclosed in Testing of the Army's XM-1 Tank Warrant Slower Production

PSAD-79-67 Published: Apr 16, 1979. Publicly Released: Apr 16, 1979.
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The deficiencies demonstrated during operational testing of the XM-1 tank indicate that production of the XM-1 should be delayed until acceptable reliability and durability levels are demonstrated. In operational testing, the XM-1 demonstrated a cumulative 104.3 mean miles between failure (MMBF) compared to the testing goal of 272 MMBF. The design goal is 320 MMBF. Problems in the engine, transmission, fuel system, and track were disclosed during operational testing. The Army plans to conduct development testing until November 1979 concurrently with initial production. The Army proposes to proceed with production in order not to lose favorable contract options negotiated with the development contractor in 1976.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Army procurementEvaluationMilitary land vehiclesMilitary materielMotor vehicle standardsResearch and developmentTestingMilitary forcesOperational testingGovernment procurement