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Air Force Uses Inaccurate Production Leadtime To Compute Spare Parts Requirements

PLRD-83-85 Published: Jun 16, 1983. Publicly Released: Jun 16, 1983.
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GAO analyzed a random sample of items being managed at two Air Force logistics centers to determine whether the Air Force is using current and accurate production leadtimes to compute requirements for consumable items and whether long leadtimes can be reduced.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of the Air Force The Secretary of the Air Force should direct the Commander of the Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC) to implement improved procedures and controls to ensure that appropriate production leadtimes are maintained at the air logistics centers. Such procedures and controls should ensure that center personnel limit the use of historical data to forecast leadtimes for items when current updates cannot be obtained from contractors.
Closed – Implemented
The Air Force took corrective action on specific spares items included in the GAO audit sample. The Department of Defense (DOD) issued DOD Instruction 4140.55 implementing standard policy for all military services to address this recommendation.
Department of the Air Force The Secretary of the Air Force should direct the Commander, AFLC, to implement improved procedures and controls to ensure that appropriate production leadtimes are maintained at the air logistics centers. Such procedures and controls should ensure that center personnel stress the importance of up-to-date and accurate leadtimes and monitor logistics center progress in correcting outdated and inaccurate data.
Closed – Implemented
The Air Force took corrective action on specific spares items included in the GAO audit sample. DOD issued DOD Instruction 4140.55 implementing standard policy for all military services to address this recommendation.
Department of the Air Force The Secretary of the Air Force should direct the Commander, AFLC, to implement improved procedures and controls to ensure that appropriate production leadtimes are maintained at the air logistics centers. Such procedures and controls should ensure that center personnel frequently and periodically obtain and use leadtime updates from contractors on items with long production leadtimes and high annual demands.
Closed – Implemented
The Air Force took corrective action on specific spares items included in the GAO audit report. DOD issued DOD Instruction 4140.55 implementing standard policy for all military services to address this recommendation.
Department of the Air Force The Secretary of the Air Force should direct the Commander, AFLC, to require the air logistics centers to work more closely with contractors to identify and resolve conditions, such as contingency factors and administrative leadtime standards, that result in excessive leadtimes being used in requirements computations.
Closed – Implemented
The Air Force took corrective action on specific spares items included in the GAO audit sample. DOD issued DOD Instruction 4140.55 implementing standard policy for all military services to address this recommendation.
Department of the Air Force The Secretary of the Air Force should direct the Commander, AFLC, to require the air logistics centers to coordinate with Air Force plant representatives and Defense Contract Administration Services Management area offices in working with contractors to reduce long production leadtimes in the requirements computation when possible.
Closed – Implemented
The Air Force took corrective action on specific spares items included in the GAO audit sample. DOD issued DOD Instruction 4140.55 implementing standard policy for all military services to address this recommendation.
Department of the Air Force The Secretary of the Air Force should direct the Commander, AFLC, to require the air logistics centers to accept advance deliveries only when advantageous to the Air Force.
Closed – Implemented
The Air Force took corrective action on specific spares items included in the GAO audit sample. DOD issued DOD Instruction 4140.55 implementing standard policy for all military services to address this recommendation.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Air Force procurementAircraft componentsContract administrationDemurrage chargesInventory control systemsLogisticsSpare partsMilitary forcesInventoryData integrity