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Evaluation of the Navy's Decision To Replace Waste Heat Boilers on the DD-963 Class Ships

PLRD-82-102 Published: Aug 09, 1982. Publicly Released: Sep 08, 1982.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Navy's decision to convert the waste heat boiler system on DD-963 Class ships to an all-electric system. The review was requested because of allegations that such replacements would: (1) create even greater problems than those being experienced, (2) be significantly more expensive than the $500 million estimated for the conversion, and (3) be more expensive than other alternatives for resolving the boiler problems.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Comparative analysisMilitary vesselsPower generationSystems evaluationMilitary forcesNavy shipsShipsGovernment procurementEquipment maintenanceInventory