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Missile Development: Status and Issues at the Time of the TSSAM Termination Decision

NSIAD-95-46 Published: Jan 20, 1995. Publicly Released: Jan 20, 1995.
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GAO reviewed the Department of Defense's (DOD) Tri-Service Standoff Attack Missile (TSSAM) program, focusing on the: (1) reliability of TSSAM; (2) increases in TSSAM unit production costs; (3) changes in the number of variants and quantities to be acquired; and (4) availability of alternative systems. GAO noted that: (1) in December 1994, the Secretary of Defense announced plans to cancel the TSSAM program because of significant development difficulties and growth in its expected unit cost; and (2) because this report provides pertinent information on the history and status of the TSSAM program at the time of the Secretary's announcement, GAO believes that it will be useful to Congress as it reviews the Department of Defense's (DOD) plan to cancel the program.

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Office of Public Affairs


Weapons systemsBallistic missilesContract terminationCost overrunsDefense procurementMilitary cost controlProduct evaluationResearch and development contractsTestingWeapons research and development