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State Department: Problems in the Diplomatic Courier System

NSIAD-89-39 Published: Feb 06, 1989. Publicly Released: Feb 06, 1989.
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GAO reviewed the Department of State's diplomatic courier pouch system to assess what problems the system experienced in its efforts to provide timely and secure delivery service.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of State The Secretary of State should ensure that professional couriers are used whenever possible, as required by regulations, and implement controls to ensure that the use of nonprofessional couriers is limited to emergencies and isolated cases.
Closed – Implemented
On March 1, 1989, State transmitted a telegram to all diplomatic posts to address the proliferation on nonprofessional couriers. The telegram directs the posts to: (1) use the established courier route network; (2) establish controls to certify that use of nonprofessional couriers be limited to emergencies and isolated cases; and (3) list the rationale for each nonprofessional courier trip.
Department of State The Secretary of State should routinely perform periodic inspections of pouches to provide reasonable assurance that only appropriate material enters the courier system.
Closed – Implemented
State has implemented a periodic Pouch Content Control Program. Under this new program, State's Office of Communications, Pouch Control Office, will randomly open items intended for pouch transmission. This will be done in the presence of the originator and the Pouch Control Officer will report pouch violations to the Department. Both accompanied and unaccompanied pouches will be inspected.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


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