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Unnecessary Procurement of A-10 Aircraft for Depot Maintenance Floats

LCD-79-431 Published: Sep 06, 1979. Publicly Released: Sep 06, 1979.
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There is a need to reduce the number of F-14 and F-15 aircraft the Department of Defense (DOD) plans to procure. Concern is based on inconsistent and imprecise criteria to forecast requirements for support aircraft. The Defense Audit Service similarly concluded that the number of F-14s and F-15s needed for training, peacetime attrition, and substitution for aircraft undergoing overhaul were overstated. Current work on reducing DOD aircraft time in maintenance further demonstrates the necessity to reevaluate aircraft needs for depot maintenance floats.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Air Force procurementAir Force suppliesAircraft maintenanceMilitary aircraftProcurement practicesAircraftMilitary forcesProcurementGovernment procurementDepot maintenance