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U.S. Postal Service: Progress Made in Implementing Automated Letter Sequencing, but Some Issues Remain

GGD-98-73 Published: Apr 17, 1998. Publicly Released: Apr 17, 1998.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the status of the Postal Service's (USPS) efforts to implement Delivery Point Sequencing (DPS), focusing on: (1) USPS goals for DPS implementation, its projected letter carrier workhour savings, and the extent to which the Service has achieved these; and (2) issues that may affect USPS's ability to achieve its 1998 DPS goals, including any actions that USPS has taken to address these issues.

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Office of Public Affairs


Collective bargainingCost controlFederal agency reorganizationGovernment employee unionsLabor relationsMechanizationPostal servicePostal service employeesProductivity in governmentPerformance measurement