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Decennial Census: Minicomputer Procurement Delays and Bid Protests: Effects on the 1990 Census

GGD-88-70 Published: Jun 14, 1988. Publicly Released: Jun 17, 1988.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Census Bureau's procurement of minicomputers specifically for the 1990 decennial census to determine the: (1) causes and effects of procurement delays; and (2) reasons for a bid protest and whether its settlement was reasonable and justified.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce should direct the Bureau to develop a formal contingency plan that identifies options for employing backup automated equipment and possible manual operations to meet essential operational needs in the event that the minicomputer system, including the software, does not operate properly.
Closed – Implemented
The Bureau agreed with this recommendation and developed a contingency plan outlining its options in the event of software failure. Although the Bureau's plan does not provide specific steps to be followed, GAO believes it responds to the recommendation in principle. The plan does allow for detailed plans to be documented separately as part of the Bureau's existing contingency planning process.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


IT acquisitionsBid rejection protestsCensusComputer equipment contractsContract authorityPersonal computersRequirements definitionStrategic planningSystems compatibilityProcurement