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Contract Management: Comments on Proposed Services Acquisition Reform Act

GAO-03-716T Published: Apr 30, 2003. Publicly Released: Apr 30, 2003.
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Since 1997, federal spending on services has grown 11 percent and now represents more than 60 percent of contract spending governmentwide. Several significant changes in the government--including funding for homeland security--are expected to further increase spending on services. Adjusting to this new environment has proven difficult. Agencies need to improve in a number of areas: sustaining executive leadership, strengthening the acquisition workforce, and encouraging innovative contracting approaches. Improving these areas is a key goal of the proposed Services Acquisition Reform Act (SARA).

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Federal procurementFederal procurement policyProcurement planningProposed legislationStrategic planningAcquisition workforceFederal agenciesLabor forceProcurementImproper payments