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Evaluations Called for To Monitor and Assess Executive Appraisal Systems

FPCD-81-55 Published: Aug 03, 1981. Publicly Released: Aug 03, 1981.
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GAO reviewed the Senior Executive Service (SES) performance appraisal system. The appraisal process is intended to evaluate the performance of senior executives and provide a basis for making many executive personnel decisions, including monetary performance awards, development, advancement, and dismissals. GAO stated that, while it is too early to judge the overall effectiveness of the SES appraisal systems, it wanted to identify existing or potential problems so that agencies and the Office of Personnel Management can take corrective action.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Office of Personnel Management The OPM Director should: (1) require agencies to establish and implement comprehensive evaluation and monitoring systems for their SES performance appraisal processes; (2) issue minimum standards and requirements which should be included in all evaluation systems implemented by agencies; (3) provide guidelines to agencies on how to establish and implement an effective evaluation process; and (4) follow up with agencies to insure that evaluation systems are being properly and effectively implemented.
Please call 202/512-6100 for additional information.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


AppraisalsEmployee demotionsEmployee promotionsExecutive compensationFederal agenciesPerformance appraisalProgram evaluationWork measurementSystems designPerformance appraisals