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Federal Employees Excluded From Certain Provisions of Civil Service Reform Act of 1978

FPCD-81-28 Published: Apr 07, 1981. Publicly Released: Apr 07, 1981.
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The Civil Service Reform Act protects most Government employees from specified prohibited personnel practices such as discrimination, political coercion, and reprisals; however, this protection does not apply to employees in Government corporations. According to the Merit Systems Protection Board's Office of the Special Counsel, there have been many complaints of personnel abuse within Government corporations. A review was performed to determine the justification for excluding all Government corporations from the provisions of the Act.


Matter for Congressional Consideration

Matter Status Comments
Congress should amend 5 U.S.C. 2302(a)(2)(C)(i) by deleting the term "Government corporation" and inserting instead the following: "...Government corporations exempted from civil service laws and regulations governing the appointment and removal of officers and employees of the United States."
Please call 202/512-6100 for additional information.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Federal corporationsFederal employeesFederal personnel legislationLabor legislationPersonnel managementProhibited personnel practicesSpecial counselGovernment employeesCivil serviceCivil service reform