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[Protest of IRS Contract Award for a Storage System]

B-258459 Published: Sep 16, 1994. Publicly Released: Sep 16, 1994.
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A firm protested an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) contract award for a storage system, contending that the awardee was not eligible for award, since its subcontractor was not a small disadvantaged business. GAO held that it would not consider the protest, since the Small Business Administration had jurisdiction to determine the subcontractor's size status. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

Office of Public Affairs


Bidder eligibilityContract award protestsEligibility determinationsEquipment contractsFederal procurementJurisdictional authoritySmall business contractorsSmall business set-asidesSource selectionSubcontractsSmall businessOffice equipmentDisadvantaged businessImproper award of contractProtestsFederal regulationsIntellectual property rights