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State Bank Reconciliations

AIMD-96-164R Published: Sep 12, 1996. Publicly Released: Sep 12, 1996.
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GAO reviewed the State Department's Mexico City Financial Services Center's (FSC) efforts to reconcile 30 active foreign currency bank accounts and one U.S. dollar bank account by April 30, 1996. GAO noted that: (1) the Mexico City FSC completed reconciliation of some active bank accounts, but additional work is needed to reconcile, close out, or transfer large balance accounts to the Charleston FSC; (2) the Mexico City FSC was involved in reconciling 18 foreign currency bank accounts, 48 foreign transaction fund accounts held on behalf of other U.S. government agencies, and accountable balances for U.S. government funds that required reconciliation and clearance by 22 post cashiers and the Mexico City FSC disbursing officer; and (3) all Mexico City FSC accounts must be fully reconciled and adjusted to complete the accurate transfer of the accounting function to the Charleston FSC.

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Office of Public Affairs


Accounting proceduresBank depositsBank examinationDisbursing officersFederal agency accounting systemsFinancial recordsForeign currencyForeign currency accounts (Treasury)Internal controlsOffsetting collections