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[Protest of DLA Rejection of Bid and Subsequent Contract Award for Hydraulic Fluid and Lubricating Oil]

B-234870 Published: Jun 09, 1989. Publicly Released: Jun 09, 1989.
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A joint venture protested the Defense Logistics Agency's (DLA) rejection of its bid and any subsequent contract award for hydraulic fluid and lubricating oil, contending that DLA improperly: (1) determined that the bidder's identity was ambiguous; and (2) did not afford it an opportunity to respond. GAO held that DLA properly: (1) rejected the bid, since the bidder identified itself as both a joint venture and a corporation, used different addresses on the bid and on an amendment, and used one firm's identification number as the bidder's number; and (2) did not allow the protester to correct the ambiguity, since such matters of responsiveness were not curable after bid opening. Accordingly, the protest was denied.

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Office of Public Affairs


Bid errorsBid rejection protestsBid responsivenessContract award protestsDefective solicitationsDefense procurementEquipment contractsBid evaluation protestsBiddersConstructionSolicitationsDefense logisticsProtestsBidder responsibilityIntellectual property rightsSmall businessPreaward survey