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[Protest Alleging Unfair Bid Rejection by Army]

B-213334 Published: Dec 02, 1983. Publicly Released: Dec 02, 1983.
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A firm protested the Army's rejection of its bid as nonresponsible, contending that it had applied for a Certificate of Competency from the Small Business Administration (SBA) and questioning the motives of certain individuals who conducted a preaward survey of the firm. GAO held that matters of small business responsibility are exclusively within the jurisdiction of SBA. GAO also held that the record did not demonstrate bias against the protester and that, in such circumstances, allegations of questionable motives are to be regarded as speculation. Accordingly, the protest was dismissed.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Army procurementBid rejection protestsBidder responsibilityCertificates of competencySmall businessBid evaluation protestsU.S. ArmyPreaward surveyIntellectual property rightsMilitary materiel