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As of June 13, 2024, there are 5146 open recommendations that still need to be addressed. 454 of these are priority recommendations, those that we believe warrant priority attention. Learn more about our priority designation on our Recommendations page.

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4861 - 4880 of 5146 Recommendations, including 454 Priority Recommendations

Telecommunications: Agencies Need Better Controls to Achieve Significant Savings on Mobile Devices and Services

7 Open Recommendations
Agency Recommendation Status
Department of the Interior To help the department effectively manage spending on mobile devices and services, the Secretary of the Interior should ensure a reliable department-wide inventory of mobile service contracts is developed and maintained.
Open – Partially Addressed

As of January 2024, the Department of the Interior had not demonstrated that it had fully addressed this recommendation. In August 2019, the department developed an inventory of mobile service contracts. However, the department did not demonstrate that it had accounted for all of its mobile service contracts. We will continue to monitor the department's efforts to implement the recommendation.

Department of Transportation To help the department effectively manage spending on mobile devices and services, the Secretary of Transportation should ensure procedures to monitor and control spending are established department-wide. Specifically, ensure that (1) procedures include assessing devices for zero, under, and over usage; (2) personnel with authority and responsibility for performing the procedures are identified; and (3) the specific steps to be taken to perform the process are documented.
Open – Partially Addressed

As of January 2024, the Department of Transportation had partially implemented the recommendation. Specifically, the Office of the Chief Information Officer's Resource Management Office Customer and Contract Support team developed procedures for assessing mobile device usage. However, the department has not specified which of its components the procedures apply to. We will continue to monitor the department's efforts to fully implement the recommendation.

Department of the Treasury To help the department effectively manage spending on mobile devices and services, the Secretary of the Treasury should ensure an inventory of mobile devices and services is established department-wide (i.e., all components' devices and associated services are accounted for).

As of January 2024, the Department of the Treasury had not implemented the recommendation. We will continue to monitor the department's efforts to implement this recommendation.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration To help the agency effectively manage spending on mobile devices and services, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration should ensure a complete inventory of mobile devices and associated services is established.

As of January 2024, NASA had not demonstrated that it has implemented the recommendation. In June 2021, NASA's Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) provided an inventory of mobile devices and services; however, the OCIO did not demonstrate that the inventory was complete. Specifically, the OCIO did not demonstrate that it had accounted for all NASA devices. We will continue to monitor NASA's efforts to implement the recommendation.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration To help the agency effectively manage spending on mobile devices and services, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration should ensure a reliable inventory of mobile service contracts is developed and maintained.

As of January 2024, NASA had not demonstrated that it has implemented the recommendation.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration To help the agency effectively manage spending on mobile devices and services, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration should ensure procedures to monitor and control spending are established agency-wide. Specifically, ensure that (1) procedures include assessing devices for zero, under, and over usage; (2) personnel with authority and responsibility for performing the procedures are identified; and (3) the specific steps to be taken to perform the process are documented.

As of January 2024, NASA had not implemented the recommendation. We will continue to monitor the agency's efforts to implement the recommendation.

Department of the Treasury To help the department effectively manage spending on mobile devices and services, the Secretary of the Treasury should ensure procedures to monitor and control spending are established department-wide. Specifically, ensure that (1) procedures include assessing devices for zero, under, and over usage; (2) personnel with authority and responsibility for performing the procedures are identified; and (3) the specific steps to be taken to perform the process are documented.

As of January 2024, the Department of the Treasury had not demonstrated that it has implemented the recommendation. We will continue to monitor the department's efforts to implement this recommendation.

Medicare Physician Payment Rates: Better Data and Greater Transparency Could Improve Accuracy

3 Open Recommendations
Agency Recommendation Status
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services To help improve CMS's process for establishing relative values for Medicare physicians' services, the Administrator of CMS should incorporate data and expertise from physicians and other relevant stakeholders into the process as well as develop a timeline and plan for using the funds appropriated by the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014.
Open – Partially Addressed

To help improve the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service's (CMS) process for establishing relative values for Medicare physicians' services, in May 2015 we recommended that the Administrator of CMS incorporate data and expertise from physicians and other relevant stakeholders into the process, as well as develop a timeline and plan for using the funds appropriated by the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA). CMS concurred with this recommendation, stating that stakeholders have the opportunity each year to nominate potentially misvalued services for review through a public

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services To help improve CMS's process for establishing relative values for Medicare physicians' services, the Administrator of CMS should better document the process for establishing relative values for Medicare physicians' services, including the methods used to review RUC recommendations and the rationale for final relative value decisions.

To help improve the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service's (CMS) process for establishing relative values for Medicare physicians' services, in May 2015 we recommended that the Administrator of CMS better document the process, including the methods used to review recommendations from the American Medical Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) and the rationale for final relative value decisions. CMS concurred with this recommendation, stating that CMS establishes relative values for new, revised, and potentially misvalued physicians' services based on its

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services To help improve CMS's process for establishing relative values for Medicare physicians' services, the Administrator of CMS should develop a process for informing the public of potentially misvalued services identified by the RUC, as CMS already does for potentially misvalued services identified by CMS or other stakeholders.

To help improve the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service's (CMS) process for establishing relative values for Medicare physicians' services, in May 2015 we recommended that the Administrator of CMS develop a process for informing the public of potentially misvalued services identified by the American Medical Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC), as CMS already does for potentially misvalued services identified by CMS or other stakeholders. CMS did not concur with this recommendation, asserting that the RUC is completely independent of CMS, and as such

Unmanned Aerial Systems: Actions Needed to Improve DOD Pilot Training

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Recommendation Status
Department of Defense To increase opportunities to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of UAS pilot training across DOD, the Secretary of Defense should direct the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness to address how the services should coordinate with one another in the strategy on UAS pilot training that the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness is current drafting.

DOD concurred with this recommendation and stated the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness was in the process of revising its draft "Department of Defense Training Strategy for Unmanned Aircraft Systems(UAS)" to address inter-service coordination to enable the department to train more efficiently and effectively as a whole. In October 2016, the Director stated that RAND had completed the draft strategy and that the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness) had begun revising the strategy. An Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness)

Electricity Generation Projects: Additional Data Could Improve Understanding of the Effectiveness of Tax Expenditures

2 Open Recommendations
Agency Recommendation Status
Congress If Congress wishes to evaluate the effectiveness of the ITC and the PTC as incentives for the development of renewable utility-scale electricity generation projects as it considers proposals to extend the ITC or reauthorize the PTC, it should consider directing the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to provide Congress with project-level data currently collected from taxpayers who claim the ITC in lieu of the PTC--such as the number of projects for which they are claiming the credit, the technology of the projects taking the credit, and the total generating capacity added--and make such data available for analysis. Additionally, take steps to collect and report the same data from all taxpayers claiming the ITC.

Congress has not taken action on this matter as of March 2024.

Congress If Congress wishes to evaluate the effectiveness of the ITC and the PTC as incentives for the development of renewable utility-scale electricity generation projects as it considers proposals to extend the ITC or reauthorize the PTC, it should consider directing the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to take steps to collect project-level data from taxpayers claiming the PTC--such as the number of projects for which they are claiming the credit, the technology of the projects taking the credit, and the total generating capacity--and make these data available for analysis.

Congress has not taken action on this matter as of March 2024.

Defense Inventory: Services Generally Have Reduced Excess Inventory, but Additional Actions Are Needed

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Recommendation Status
Department of the Navy To help ensure that the Navy has adequate oversight of on-order excess inventory termination decisions and necessary performance measures consistent with DOD guidance, the Secretary of the Navy should direct the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command, to incorporate the graduated management reviews and the ability to track and review the reasons for not canceling and modifying on-order excess items into its automated termination module that is under development.

DOD concurred with our recommendation. As of August 2019, Naval Supply Systems Command has taken some steps, such as defining the requirement and piloting some aspects of the effort, to incorporate graduated management reviews and the ability to track and review the reason for not canceling and modifying on-order excess items into its automated termination module. However, this capability is not implemented into the automated termination module, according to Naval Supply Systems Command officials. Navy Supply Systems Command provided information on its plans to implement this capability in

Medicaid Demonstrations: Approval Criteria and Documentation Need to Show How Spending Furthers Medicaid Objectives

2 Open Recommendations
Agency Recommendation Status
Department of Health and Human Services To improve the transparency and accountability of HHS's section 1115 Medicaid demonstration approval process, and to ensure that federal Medicaid funds for the demonstrations do not duplicate other federal funds, the Secretary of Health and Human Services should issue criteria for assessing whether section 1115 expenditure authorities are likely to promote Medicaid objectives.
Open – Partially Addressed

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) partially concurred with this recommendation and has taken some steps to address the problems GAO identified. Initially, in August 2015, HHS posted on its website general criteria for assessing whether Medicaid section 1115 demonstration expenditure authorities are likely to promote Medicaid objectives, but GAO found the general criteria were not sufficiently specific. HHS later removed these criteria from its website and replaced them with six broad areas of reform that HHS encouraged states to consider. In 2021, HHS removed these broad areas

Department of Health and Human Services To improve the transparency and accountability of HHS's section 1115 Medicaid demonstration approval process, and to ensure that federal Medicaid funds for the demonstrations do not duplicate other federal funds, the Secretary of Health and Human Services should ensure the application of these criteria is documented in all HHS's approvals of section 1115 demonstrations, including those approving new or extending or modifying existing expenditure authorities, to inform internal and external stakeholders, including states, the public, and Congress, of the basis for the agency's determinations that approved expenditure authorities are likely to promote Medicaid objectives.
Open – Partially Addressed

HHS agreed with this recommendation and, as of May 2021, had taken some steps to ensure that the bases for its approval decisions are documented in all approvals of section 1115 demonstrations. In December 2017, CMS issued a letter to state Medicaid officials, stating that the agency had begun requesting additional documentation of the demonstration purposes being served by certain types of previously approved funding in demonstration proposals. Additionally, the agency noted it was taking certain steps to ensure that only allowable costs were matched by federal Medicaid funds. In April 2018

Medicaid: CMS Oversight of Provider Payments Is Hampered by Limited Data and Unclear Policy

3 Open Recommendations
Agency Recommendation Status
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services To improve CMS's oversight of Medicaid payments, the Administrator of CMS should take steps to ensure that states report accurate provider-specific payment data that include accurate unique national provider identifiers (NPI).
Open – Partially Addressed

As of February 2024, this recommendation remains partially addressed. In May 2021, CMS officials reported on a recent effort to validate the NPI--a unique 10-digit identification number assigned to health care providers--for each provider a state reports. At that time, officials said that they had recently implemented checks to validate the accuracy of provider-specific payment data, including the unique national provider identifiers states submit. According to CMS officials, some of these checks had identified data quality issues that had subsequently been resolved, while the results of other

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services To improve CMS's oversight of Medicaid payments, the Administrator of CMS should develop a policy establishing criteria for when such payments at the provider level are economical and efficient.

As of February 2024, this recommendation remains not addressed. CMS confirmed it is not currently engaged in any efforts to address payment at the individual provider level. In December 2020, Congress passed and the President signed into law legislation requiring additional state reporting on Medicaid supplemental payments, including requiring states to describe how these payments are consistent with economy and efficiency. In December 2021, CMS issued guidance on these new supplemental payment reporting requirements beginning with information about payments made on or after October 1, 2021

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services To improve CMS's oversight of Medicaid payments, the Administrator of CMS should, once criteria are developed, develop a process for identifying and reviewing payments to individual providers in order to determine whether they are economical and efficient.

As of February 2024, this recommendation remains not addressed. CMS confirmed it is not currently engaged in any efforts to address payment at the individual provider level. In December 2021, CMS issued guidance on new supplemental payment reporting requirements beginning with information about payments made on or after October 1, 2021. However, in January 2022, CMS officials said that neither the law nor the guidance establish criteria for economy and efficiency for Medicaid supplemental payments at the provider level. GAO maintains that developing a process, once criteria are developed, for

Library of Congress: Strong Leadership Needed to Address Serious Information Technology Management Weaknesses

1 Open Recommendations
Agency Recommendation Status
Library of Congress To effectively plan and manage its acquisitions of IT systems and increase the likelihood of delivering promised system capabilities on time and within budget, the Librarian should establish and implement an organization-wide policy for developing cost estimates that includes key practices as discussed in this report.
Open – Partially Addressed

The Library of Congress generally agreed with, and has begun to take steps to implement, this recommendation. Specifically, in January 2017 the Library established a centralized Library-wide Project Management Office, located within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). Additionally, in June 2017 the Library updated its regulations to give the Project Management Office the authority to establish organization-wide policy for developing cost estimates for IT projects. However, in February 2021, the Library's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) reported that the Library did not

Note: the list of open recommendations for the last report may continue on the next page.

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