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Costs and Uses of Remote Sensing Satellites

RCED-83-111 Published: Mar 04, 1983. Publicly Released: Mar 04, 1983.
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GAO was requested to provide background information concerning a possible transfer of the Federal Government's civil remote sensing satellites, which include both Landsat and weather satellites, to the private sector. Specifically, GAO determined: (1) what Landsat and weather satellite data the various Federal agencies are using and how much they are paying for the service; (2) whether the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) fiscal year (FY) 1983 budget estimate that Federal agencies will pay approximately $10 million for Landsat services is well supported; (3) the total Federal investment in Landsat and the weather satellites; and (4) what market studies have been done to determine the feasibility of a profitmaking satellite system.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Climate statisticsCost analysisData collectionData transmissionEarth resources satellitesGovernment facilitiesPrivate sectorWeatherSatellitesFederal agencies