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Medicare Home Health Agencies: Overpayments Are Hard to Identify and Even Harder to Collect

HEHS/AIMD-00-132 Published: Apr 28, 2000. Publicly Released: May 24, 2000.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Health Care Financing Administration's (HCFA) oversight of the amounts of overpayments home health agencies (HHA) owe Medicare, focusing on: (1) whether HCFA quickly identifies and collects overpayments from closed HHAs; (2) the accuracy of the overpayment amounts HCFA reported for closed Texas HHAs; and (3) whether HCFA can effectively record and track overpayments due from closed agencies.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Debt collectionFinancial management systemsGovernment collectionsHealth insuranceHome health care servicesInternal controlsMedical expense claimsMedicareOverpaymentsReporting requirements