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International Trade: Advertising and Promoting U.S. Cigarettes in Selected Asian Countries

GGD-93-38 Published: Dec 31, 1992. Publicly Released: Jan 04, 1993.
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Pursuant to congressional requests, GAO reviewed the advertisement and promotion of U.S. cigarettes in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia, focusing on: (1) the conflicting U.S. government policies of pursuing antismoking initiatives domestically while assisting U.S. cigarette companies in selling their products abroad; (2) U.S. government regulation of cigarette exports compared with exports of other potentially harmful products; (3) the restrictions on cigarette advertising and promotion imposed in the countries; and (4) the advertising and promotional practices of U.S. cigarette companies in these countries.

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AdvertisingCommodity marketingExport regulationExportingForeign trade policiesHazardous substancesRestrictive trade practicesSales promotionSmokingTobacco industry