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Intelligence Community: Additional Actions Needed to Strengthen Workforce Diversity Planning and Oversight

GAO-21-83 Published: Dec 17, 2020. Publicly Released: Dec 17, 2020.
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Fast Facts

Recruiting, developing, and retaining a diverse and inclusive workforce is part of the 2019 National Intelligence Strategy.

The Intelligence Community's workforce in FY2011-2019 had slight increases in the proportions of women (+.7%), racial or ethnic minorities (+3.3%), and persons with disabilities (+6.2%). But proportions of women and racial or ethnic minorities stayed below federal workforce benchmarks, and proportions of persons with disabilities didn't meet federal goals.

The Intelligence Community follows many leading practices for managing diversity, but we recommended doing more to enhance planning, measure progress, and assess barriers.

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What GAO Found

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) reported that the representation of some demographic groups within the Intelligence Community (IC) workforce increased from fiscal years 2011 through 2019—the latest available data. Over this period, the proportion of women, racial or ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities changed by .7, 3.3, and 6.2 percentage points, respectively. However, the representation of women, racial or ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities remained below comparable benchmarks and declined among higher ranks in fiscal year 2019.

IC elements report taking steps to address leading practices for managing workforce diversity, but report gaps in diversity planning. GAO found that most IC elements report taking steps to address seven of nine leading practices for diversity management. For the remaining two leading practices—strategic planning and measurement—most elements report taking one or no steps.

Number of Intelligence Community (IC) Elements and the Steps They Report Taking to Implement Leading Practices for Workforce Diversity Management, as of August 2020

GAO leading practices

Number of IC elements that report taking steps

Leadership commitment

17 of 17 IC elements report taking multiple steps


14 of 17 IC elements report taking multiple steps, and three IC elements report taking one step

Employee involvement

14 of 17 IC elements report taking multiple steps, two IC elements report taking one step, and one IC element reports taking no step

Diversity training

14 of 17 IC elements report taking multiple steps, and three IC elements report taking one step


12 of 17 IC elements linked diversity management with enhanced performance while five IC elements did not

Succession planning

9 of 17 IC elements report taking multiple steps, and eight IC elements report taking one step


9 of 17 IC elements report taking multiple steps, seven IC elements report taking one step, and one IC element reports taking no steps

Strategic planning

3 of 17 IC elements have current and complete strategic plans


6 of 17 IC elements have diversity-related performance measures

Source: GAO analysis of IC element documents and GAO leading practices for diversity management. | GAO-21-83

Further, while all IC elements report having a process to identify barriers to diversity, nine IC elements report not completing required barrier assessments. Without fully implementing leading practices for managing workforce diversity and conducting routine barrier assessments, the IC may miss opportunities to develop effective and efficient diversity policies and programs.

ODNI's Office of Intelligence Community Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity (IC EEOD) is meeting seven of eight leading practices for enhancing and sustaining the coordination of diversity initiatives across the 17 IC elements. However, IC EEOD partially met the practice to reinforce agency accountability. Specifically, IC EEOD has not established IC-wide implementation objectives and timeframes to demonstrate progress. As a result, IC EEOD risks not holding IC elements accountable for enhancing workforce diversity.

Why GAO Did This Study

The 2019 National Intelligence Strategy states that the IC will recruit, develop, and retain a diverse, inclusive, and expert workforce to enable mission success. ODNI reports that the IC is taking steps to increase the representation of diverse groups, such as issuing new strategies to enhance workforce planning. However, barriers to establishing a diverse workforce exist across the IC, according to an ODNI 2017 analysis.

GAO was asked to review the IC's progress in enhancing workforce diversity. This report (1) summarizes ODNI annual demographic reports on the proportion of women, racial or ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities; and assesses the extent to which (2) IC elements report taking steps to address leading practices for managing workforce diversity and to identify potential barriers to maintaining a diverse workforce; and (3) ODNI is addressing leading practices for coordinating IC workforce diversity initiatives. GAO reviewed IC-wide and IC element specific policies and guidance; interviewed ODNI, and other IC officials; and administered a questionnaire to all 17 IC elements to obtain information on diversity strategies and challenges.


GAO is making seven recommendations, including that the Director of National Intelligence issue or update guidance to ensure IC elements maintain diversity strategic plans, assess and take steps to eliminate barriers to diversity, and establish implementation objectives and timeframes to hold IC elements accountable. ODNI agreed with the recommendations.

Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Priority Rec.
The Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the department secretary or head of the IC element, as appropriate, and consistent with the Director of National Intelligence's authority, should issue new or update existing guidance to require all IC elements to maintain current and complete diversity strategic plans that contain specific objectives, timeframes, and responsibilities. (Recommendation 1)
Closed – Implemented
In its December 2020 response to our report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) concurred with this recommendation and has since taken steps to address it. Specifically, in August 2023, ODNI noted that the Intelligence Community (IC) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Office distributed a questionnaire to all IC elements in 2022 in which ODNI sought to determine whether the elements had a DEIA strategic plan that included goals, timelines, and responsibility allocation for developing and managing a diverse workforce. At the time, ODNI noted that eight elements responded that they had a current strategic plan, while six reported that their plans were in different stages of development. ODNI noted that two IC elements did not have strategic plans but instead complied with the plan of their parent agency. ODNI further noted that the IC DEIA office developed an IC DEIA Maturity Model, which is a tool intended to help modernize, innovate, and advance DEIA goals across the IC and allow ODNI to take a more targeted approach for holding IC elements accountable for enhancing DEIA and providing needed resources and support. Lastly, in July 2024, ODNI issued its strategy entitled 2024-2027 Joint Strategy to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: Strengthening the U.S. Intelligence Community's Strategic Advantage. In the strategy, ODNI noted that the IC elements were to develop and maintain their respective DEIA strategic plans in alignment with ODNI's Joint Strategy. The strategy noted that the IC elements should include information on specific objectives, timeframes, responsibilities, performance measures, and stakeholders in their respective DEIA strategic plans, as well as how their goals and objectives focus on identifying and eliminating workforce DEIA barriers.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence The Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the department secretary or head of the IC element, as appropriate, and consistent with the Director of National Intelligence's authority, should ensure that IC elements are making progress toward maintaining current and complete diversity strategic plans. (Recommendation 2)
Closed – Implemented
In its December 2020 response to our report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) concurred with this recommendation. In August 2023, ODNI provided an update on the status of this recommendation. ODNI provided documentation supporting the development of an enterprise-wide IC DEIA Maturity Model, which was developed by the Intelligence Community (IC) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) office and which is a tool intended to help modernize, innovate, and advance DEIA goals across the IC. The model will to enable the IC to establish a baseline assessment of each IC element's status against requirements outlined in relevant Executive Orders, identify challenges and barriers to allocate resource and support for improvement, track and assess progress over time, and justify relevant budget allocations and expenditures. ODNI noted that the Maturity Model will measure the extent to which each IC element is making progress on objectives and goals outlined in their respective diversity strategic plans. While ODNI has not issued guidance requiring all IC elements to maintain current and complete diversity strategic plans that contain specific objectives, timeframes, and responsibilities, the development of the maturity model, coupled with the IC DEIA Office's efforts to understand whether each of the IC elements had a DEIA strategic plan that includes goals, timelines, and responsibility allocation for developing and managing a diverse workforce, supports the intent of this recommendation.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Priority Rec.
The Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the department secretary or head of the IC element, as appropriate, and consistent with the Director of National Intelligence's authority, should issue new or update existing guidance to ensure that IC elements develop performance measures to assess the contribution of activities toward achieving diversity goals and overall progress. (Recommendation 3)
Closed – Implemented
In its December 2020 response to our report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) concurred with this recommendation and has since taken steps to address it. Specifically, in August 2023, ODNI noted that the Intelligence Community (IC) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Office distributed a questionnaire to all IC elements in 2022 in which ODNI sought to determine whether the elements had performance measures to assess progress in achieving the diversity and inclusion goals in their respective DEIA strategic plans. ODNI noted that ten elements responded indicating that they used performance measures, such as workforce demographic and DEIA assessment survey data and recruitment and hiring trends to assess progress toward meeting diversity goals. The remaining IC elements noted that they either had performance measures in development or deferred to their parent agencies. ODNI further noted that the IC DEIA office developed an IC DEIA Maturity Model, which is a tool intended to help modernize, innovate, and advance DEIA goals across the IC and allow ODNI to take a more targeted approach for holding IC elements accountable for enhancing DEIA and providing needed resources and support. Lastly, in July 2024, ODNI issued its strategy entitled 2024-2027 Joint Strategy to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: Strengthening the U.S. Intelligence Community's Strategic Advantage. In the strategy, ODNI noted that the IC elements were to develop and maintain their respective DEIA strategic plans in alignment with ODNI's Joint Strategy. The strategy noted that the IC elements should include information on specific objectives, timeframes, responsibilities, performance measures, and stakeholders in their respective DEIA strategic plans, as well as how their goals and objectives focus on identifying and eliminating workforce DEIA barriers.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence The Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the department secretary or head of the IC element, as appropriate, and consistent with the Director of National Intelligence's authority, should ensure that IC elements are making progress toward developing measures to assess progress toward achieving diversity management efforts. (Recommendation 4)
Closed – Implemented
In its December 2020 response to our report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) concurred with this recommendation. In August 2023, ODNI provided an update on the status of this recommendation. ODNI provided a copy of the questionnaire that the Intelligence Community (IC) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Office distributed to all IC elements in 2022 to obtain IC-wide inputs that would allow ODNI to identify DEIA challenge areas and develop solutions. In the questionnaire, ODNI asked the IC elements whether they had a system to measure or assess diversity management activities, initiatives, and programs. ODNI noted that seven elements responded indicating that they used measures such as DEIA action plans, maturity assessments, and employee climate surveys to assess progress. The remaining IC elements either responded that they did not have or were in the process of developing measures. ODNI further provided documentation supporting the IC DEIA office's development of an enterprise-wide IC DEIA Maturity Model, which will allow ODNI to promote greater accountability in holding IC elements accountable and in achieving the intent of this recommendation. While ODNI has not issued guidance to ensure that IC elements are making progress toward developing measures to assess progress toward achieving diversity management efforts, the development of this model, coupled with the IC DEIA Office's efforts to understand whether each of the IC elements had a system in place to measure or assess diversity management efforts, supports the intent of this recommendation.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence The Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the department secretary or head of the IC element, as appropriate, and consistent with the Director of National Intelligence's authority, should issue new or update existing guidance to ensure that each IC element routinely identifies and takes steps toward eliminating barriers to workforce diversity. (Recommendation 5)
Closed – Implemented
In its December 2020 response to our report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) concurred with this recommendation and has since taken steps to address it. Specifically, in August 2023 ODNI noted that the Intelligence Community (IC) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Office distributed a questionnaire to all IC elements in 2022 in which ODNI sought to determine whether they routinely identify and eliminate identified barriers to workforce diversity. ODNI noted that nine elements responded indicating their engagement in additional efforts to eliminate barriers, such as using barrier analysis working groups and creating internal review and management boards to ensure equity, fairness, and transparency. The remaining IC elements noted that the either had had not taken steps or were in the process of developing steps to eliminate barriers. ODNI further noted that the IC DEIA office developed an IC DEIA Maturity Model, which is a tool intended to help modernize, innovate, and advance DEIA goals across the IC and allow ODNI to take a more targeted approach for holding IC elements accountable for enhancing DEIA and providing needed resources and support. Lastly, in July 2024, ODNI issued its strategy entitled 2024-2027 Joint Strategy to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: Strengthening the U.S. Intelligence Community's Strategic Advantage. In the strategy, ODNI noted that the IC elements were to develop and maintain their respective DEIA strategic plans in alignment with ODNI's Joint Strategy. The strategy noted that the IC elements should include information on specific objectives, timeframes, responsibilities, performance measures, and stakeholders in their respective DEIA strategic plans, as well as how their goals and objectives focus on identifying and eliminating workforce DEIA barriers.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence The Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the department secretary or head of the IC element, as appropriate, and consistent with the Director of National Intelligence's authority, should ensure that IC elements are routinely completing required assessments to identify and eliminate barriers. (Recommendation 6)
Closed – Implemented
In its December 2020 response to our report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) concurred with this recommendation. In August 2023, ODNI provided an update on the status of this recommendation. ODNI provided a copy of the questionnaire that the Intelligence Community (IC) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Office distributed to all IC elements in 2022 to obtain IC-wide inputs that would allow ODNI to identify DEIA challenge areas and develop solutions. In the questionnaire, ODNI asked the IC elements whether they completed the MD-715 assessments to identify and eliminate barriers to diversity. ODNI noted that twelve elements responded that they had completed the MD-715, while the remaining elements had not. ODNI further provided documentation to support that, in order to create greater accountability of IC elements' completion of the MD-715, the IC DEIA office developed a MD-715 dashboard that will allow annual analysis and tracking of responses by each IC element and across the IC broadly. The dashboard shows the results of the annual MD-715 self-assessment checklist for the IC elements, outlines compliance with directives, and identifies where deficiencies lie. ODNI's efforts to better ensure that IC elements are routinely completing required assessments to identify and eliminate barriers meets the intent of this recommendation.
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Priority Rec.
The Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the department secretary or head of the IC element, as appropriate, and consistent with the Director of National Intelligence's authority, should establish specific implementation objectives and timeframes for the IC elements that support IC-wide diversity goals to ensure IC elements are held accountable for making progress. (Recommendation 7)
Closed – Implemented
In its December 2020 response to our report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) concurred with this recommendation and has since taken steps to address it. Specifically, in July 2024, ODNI issued its strategy entitled 2024-2027 Joint Strategy to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: Strengthening the U.S. Intelligence Community's Strategic Advantage. In the strategy, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) noted that the IC elements were to develop and maintain their respective DEIA strategic plans in alignment with ODNI's Joint Strategy. The strategy noted that the Intelligence Community (IC) elements should include information on specific objectives, timeframes, responsibilities, performance measures, and stakeholders in their respective DEIA strategic plans, as well as how their goals and objectives focus on identifying and eliminating workforce DEIA barriers. The strategy further noted that the IC elements would be informed of their responsibilities in providing semi-annual progress updates to the Joint Strategy through an accompanying implementation plan that outlines goals, timeframes and key milestones, and risk mitigation strategies, which will be used to develop an annual progress report for the Joint Strategy. The strategy provides insight from three existing DEIA data-centric frameworks-the Annual Demographic Report, the IC DEIA Maturity Model, and the IC Information Technology (IT) Accessibility Program Maturity Model-that the IC elements can use to assess progress towards goals in the Joint Strategy.

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Best practicesDiversity managementEqual employment opportunityFederal workforceHuman capital managementIntelligence communityMinority groupsPhysical disabilitiesWomenWorkforce diversity