Nursing Homes: Responses from Two Web-based questionnaires to Nursing Home Surveyors and State Agency Directors (GAO-10-74SP), an e-supplement to GAO-10-70
This is an E-supplement to GAO-10-70. This document presents the responses from two Web-based questionnaires on the process for identifying and citing nursing home deficiencies. We collected this information to study and report on the factors that contribute to the understatement of serious deficiencies on nursing home surveys. We developed two Web-based questionnaires--one for the nursing home surveyors and one for the state agency directors. Both questionnaires asked about the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) survey process, the surveyor work force, surveyor training, supervisory review, and state policies and practices. This document presents results from all closed-ended survey questions on both questionnaires, but does not include narrative responses that we received.
Supplemental Material
1We defined the federal nursing home survey process as both the methodology used to evaluate compliance of nursing homes with federal requirements as outlined by CMS in Appendix P of the State Operations Manual and the written guidance provided by CMS to help state agencies carry out survey activities.
2OSCAR is a comprehensive database that contains information on the results of state nursing home surveys.
3When respondents indicated that they did not conduct health safety surveys of nursing homes and therefore should have been excluded from the population of eligible nursing home surveyors, these surveyors and their responses were excluded.
4The Illinois response rate likely reflects that surveyors� access to their e-mail accounts, and our Web-based survey,was limited to only 1 day per month.
5All state agency directors were asked about CMS�s traditional survey methodology, which all states used in 2008. However eight state agency directors, who indicated that the QIS has been implemented in at least part of their states, were asked additional questions specifically about the QIS.
6We did not ask nursing home surveyors a similar question because survey agency directors, as a result of their positions, were a more consistent source of knowledge about the influence of these factors on understatement.
7We mailed paper copies of the questionnaire to 15 surveyors in Arkansas, who did not have a state-issued e-mail address; on request, an additional copy was faxed to a surveyor. Seven out of the 16 paper copies were completed and returned to GAO.
Instructions for Viewing the QuestionnairesHow to View the Questionnaires
How to View the Responses for Each Question
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How to Make the Font Larger on Your Screen
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