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Violence Against Women Office: Problems with Grant Monitoring and Concerns about Evaluation Studies

GAO-02-641T Published: Apr 16, 2002. Publicly Released: Apr 16, 2002.
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The Violence Against Women Office (VAWO) was created in to lead the national effort to end violence against women, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Since its inception, VAWO has grown both in the number of discretionary grants awarded and dollars awarded for those grants. Unfortunately, monitoring activities and impact evaluation data provide little basis to assess program results. Both VAWO and the Office of Justice Programs made a commitment to improve, citing reorganization plans that anticipate management information system as the foundation for improved grants management. However, reorganization and management information tools and are only as good as the management that wields them. Commitment to improvement and oversight are needed to ensure progress.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Discretionary grantsGrant monitoringProgram evaluationReorganizationGrant awardViolence against womenGrant programsLaw enforcementInternal controlsCrime