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[Protest of Air Force Rejection of Bid for Equipment Leases]

B-257156 Sep 02, 1994
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A firm protested the Air Force's rejection of its bid for heavy equipment leases, contending that: (1) the Air Force improperly rejected its bid as nonresponsive, since it failed to identify its product and submit descriptive literature and technical data sheets; (2) it did not take exception to the solicitation specifications; and (3) the descriptive literature requirement related to bidder responsibility which could be determined after bid opening. GAO held that the: (1) descriptive literature requirement related to bidder responsiveness, since the information was needed to determine if the offered product conformed to the specifications; and (2) Air Force properly rejected the protester's bid as nonresponsive, since it could not determine if the protester's product was technically acceptable. Accordingly, the protest was denied.

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