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Overview of the Dairy Surplus Issue--Policy Options for Congressional Consideration

RCED-85-132 Published: Sep 18, 1985. Publicly Released: Sep 18, 1985.
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To assist Congress in its consideration of various legislative proposals to revise dairy policies, GAO summarized its work on dairy-related issues over the last 6 years, discussed the magnitude and nature of the dairy surplus problem, and analyzed several policy options for dealing with the problem.


Matter for Congressional Consideration

Matter Status Comments
To avoid reverting to a parity formula required by the Agricultural Act of 1949, which would result in increasing the current support price from $11.60 to $16.22 a hundredweight, legislation will be needed to revise or replace the present dairy price-support program. In deliberating on such legislation, Congress may wish to give consideration to either the supply-demand adjuster or moving-average price option.
Closed – Implemented
The Food Security Act of 1985 includes a supply-demand adjuster mechanism and a new milk diversion program.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Agricultural programsDairy productsFarm income stabilization programsPrice regulationPrice supportsProgram evaluationProposed legislationInventoriesDairy industryAgricultural commodities