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Information on Coal Conversion Activities at Selected Powerplants

RCED-84-168 Published: Jun 12, 1984. Publicly Released: Jun 21, 1984.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reported on the Economic Regulatory Administration's (ERA) Coal Conversion Program, focusing on: (1) the conversion status of electric utility boilers included in the program since the passage of the Fuel Use Act; and (2) the future demand for and use of coal. In 1981, ERA authority to require industry to use alternatives to oil and natural gas was rescinded; however, ERA continues to assist companies that wish to convert to coal voluntarily.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Coal resourcesElectric powerplantsEnergy consumptionEnergy lawEnvironmental policiesFuel conservationProgram evaluationCoalElectric utilitiesPowerplants