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Vietnamese Asylum Seekers: Refugee Screening Procedures Under the Comprehensive Plan of Action

NSIAD-97-12 Published: Oct 21, 1996. Publicly Released: Oct 21, 1996.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan of Action (CPA) for the resettlement of asylum seekers from Vietnam and southeast Asia, focusing on: (1) whether Hong Kong and Indonesia implemented CPA refugee status determination procedures in accordance with international standards and criteria; (2) alleged corruption in the program; (3) whether asylum seekers who returned to Vietnam encountered persecution; and (4) U.S. and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' (UNHCR) costs associated with CPA implementation.

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Office of Public Affairs


Administrative costsEligibility determinationsEthical conductForeign governmentsImmigrationInternational organizationsInternational relationsPolitical corruptionPolitical refugeesPolitical asylum