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Defense Department Foreign Source Procurement

ID-83-22 Published: Jan 21, 1983. Publicly Released: Feb 23, 1983.
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In response to a congressional request, GAO provided information on restrictions on foreign-source procurement in Department of Defense (DOD) contract awards since fiscal year (FY) 1978, including information on Army Corps of Engineers contracts within the United States. Specifically, GAO determined: (1) the value and composition of DOD foreign-source procurement; (2) the supply and service categories which showed the largest increases during FY's 1979-1982; (3) the extent to which foreign-source procurement was exempt from Buy American Act restrictions; and (4) which countries have the largest dollar volume of DOD contract awards and the composition of these awards.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Buy national policyConstruction contractsDefense procurementEnergy suppliesImportingInternational trade restrictionService contractsProcurementGovernment procurementConstruction