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Social Security: Time Required to Approve and Pay Attorney Fees Can Be Reduced

HRD-89-7 Published: Oct 18, 1988. Publicly Released: Nov 21, 1988.
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Pursuant to a legislative requirement and a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Social Security Administration's (SSA) fee payment procedures for attorneys representing claimants' denied social security disability benefits, to: (1) identify obstacles to the timely payment of the fees; (2) provide information on claimants' access to attorneys; and (3) provide information on attorney fees and charges in state compensation programs.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Health and Human Services The Secretary of Health and Human Services should require SSA to: (1) require attorneys to have claimants sign fee petitions before submitting them to hearing offices; and (2) do a detailed review of the approval and payment process to determine where other efficiencies may be gained.
Closed – Implemented
A form has been revised to carry out the recommendation and is expected to be implemented by the end of 1990. The form has been released with an optional claimant signature block.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Administrative hearingsAdministrative law judgesClaims settlementCompensation claimsDisability benefitsLegal feesPaymentsSocial security benefitsCompensationLegal counsel