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Private Pensions: Plan Features Provided By Employers That Sponsor Only Defined Contribution Plans

GGD-98-23 Published: Dec 01, 1997. Publicly Released: Jan 05, 1998.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the general features of defined contribution (DC) plans in the private sector, focusing on: (1) eligibility requirements for employee participation; (2) arrangements for employer and participant contributions; (3) eligibility requirements for employee rights to accrued benefits; (4) employee investment options; (5) loan and other provisions for participant access to plan assets while still employed; (6) options for withdrawal of benefits upon separation or retirement; (7) the six features for the Thrift Savings Plan; and (8) a summary of the explanations provided in retirement literature and by pension experts on why employers might decide to sponsor more than one pension plan for the same groups of employees.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Comparative analysisEligibility criteriaEmployee retirement plansEmployee rightsFederal employee retirement programsFederal employees retirement systemInvestmentsPensionsPrivate sectorRetirement benefits