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Grant Administration: Implementation of National Endowment for the Arts Reauthorization Act

GGD-91-102FS Published: Sep 17, 1991. Publicly Released: Sep 17, 1991.
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Pursuant to a legislative requirement, GAO studied the National Endowment for the Arts' (NEA) operating practices and procedures, focusing on such NEA practices as: (1) the membership of review panels; (2) limitations on the number of terms review panel members may serve; (3) conflict of interest requirements; (4) grant application reporting requirements; and (5) the institution of interim reporting and installment grant payment procedures.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Federal aid for the artsFederal employeesFederal fundsFederal grantsGrant administrationGrant award proceduresGrant monitoringStaff utilizationReporting requirementsArts