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Grant Funds to Eisenhower College

GGD-77-47 Published: Mar 30, 1977. Publicly Released: Apr 04, 1977.
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Eisenhower College was originally financed by the lower of either of $10 million from the U.S. Treasury or one tenth of all moneys from the sale of $1 Eisenhower proof coins. A 1975 Supplemental Appropriations Act appropriated $9 million, and a 1976 Act appropriated $1 million. As of June 30, 1976, the college received $8.4 million, which the college was free to use as it deemed appropriate.

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Office of Public Affairs


AppropriationsColleges and universitiesEducational allowancesEducational grantsFinancial managementHigher educationCurrency and coinageSupplemental appropriationsStudentsPostal service