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Naval Supply Systems Command Acts To Improve Usefulness of Financial Reports Produced by the Aviation Supply Office's Automated Allotment Accounting System

FGMSD-80-42 Published: Apr 30, 1980. Publicly Released: Apr 30, 1980.
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The need for, and usefulness of, financial reports produced by the Naval Supply Systems Command's automated Allotment Accounting System were evaluated. The System is used by the Aviation Supply Office to keep all needed financial records for the Navy Stock Fund and to produce monthly reports showing allotments, obligations, expenditures, materials on hand and in transit, and accounts payable. Problems with the System were brought to the attention of officials in 1975 and 1978, but corrective action was not taken until the GAO review was completed and a report was issued in January 1980.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs


Agency reportsData integrityFederal agency accounting systemsFinancial managementFinancial recordsNaval suppliesReports managementAviationBudget allotmentAccounting systems