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[Request for Reconsideration of Protest of Army Contract Award for Travel Management Services]

B-256288.4 Published: Jan 24, 1995. Publicly Released: Jan 24, 1995.
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A firm requested reconsideration of its dismissed protest of an Army contract award for travel management services. GAO had held that the protester: (1) failed to establish a valid basis of protest; and (2) untimely filed its protest of alleged solicitation improprieties after bid opening. In its request for reconsideration, the protester contended that it provided sufficient allegations of Army procurement improprieties in its protest. GAO held that the protester failed to provide any evidence that: (1) the Army violated applicable procurement laws or regulations; (2) its technical proposal was superior to the awardee's technical proposal; and (3) warranted modification of the original decision. Accordingly, the request for reconsideration was denied.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs