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Request for Reconsideration

B-204960.3 Apr 26, 1982
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A firm requested reconsideration of a prior decision which had been dismissed as untimely. The protester contended that GAO failed to consider regulations which permitted it to appeal the initial adverse action to the agency prior to filing a protest with GAO. GAO previously stated that, under bid protest procedures, if a protest is filed initially with the contracting agency, any subsequent protest to GAO must be filed within 10 working days of formal notification of initial adverse agency action. Further, a protester's continued pursuit of its protest with the contracting agency, despite the initial rejection of its protest, does not extend the time or obviate the necessity for filing a protest with GAO within the prescribed timeframe. Accordingly, since the protester did not show any errors of law or fact, GAO affirmed its prior decision.


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