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Traveltime Allowable on Claim for Per Diem Expenses

B-202733 Feb 23, 1982
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GAO was asked to determine whether three Marine Corps members who traveled by Government van on temporary duty may be paid per diem based on their actual period of travel. The disbursing officer suggested that this travel was unreasonable because the members took 2 days rather than 1 day to complete the trip. GAO found that the proposal that they should have performed the travel in 1 day would have imposed an unreasonable travel requirement. Therefore, the members should be allowed per diem for their actual period of travel, and they should not be charged leave for their second day of travel. A proposed change to the Joint Travel Regulations was forwarded with this request. The change would allow 1 day of traveltime for per diem purposes for each 300 miles of the temporary duty travel performed by Government automobile. The Comptroller General has no legal objection to the amendment of the Joint Travel Regulations, if considered desirable by the service Secretaries. Accordingly, the vouchers for the travel expenses may be paid in accordance with this decision.


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