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Independent Counsel: Expenditure and Other Information for the Office of Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr/Robert W. Ray

AIMD-00-283R Published: Aug 22, 2000. Publicly Released: Aug 22, 2000.
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Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO provided information on the expenditures for the Office of Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr/Robert W. Ray, focusing on: (1) the office's responses to 46 questions; (2) whether the expenditures were incurred under Independent Counsel Starr's or Independent Counsel Ray's tenure; and (3) the total costs of the investigation to date.

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Office of Public Affairs


Budget outlaysFinancial recordsIndependent counselsInvestigations into federal agenciesExpenditure of fundsParalegalsComputersComputer systemsTravel costsIndefinite appropriation