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B-243814, B-243815, May 13, 1991, 91-1 CPD 463

B-243814,B-243815 May 13, 1991
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Where protest of cancellation of solicitation after bid opening does not allege any reason why cancellation was improper. Protest is dismissed for failure to state a legally sufficient basis. Where protest is dismissed for failure to state a legally sufficient basis. Protester is not entitled to recover bid preparation or protest costs. This requirement contemplates that protesters will provide. Techno does not argue that the cancellations were improper in this regard. Our authority to award such costs is predicated on a determination by our Office that an agency has acted contrary to statute or regulation. It is not entitled to reimbursement of its costs. The protests are dismissed.

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B-243814, B-243815, May 13, 1991, 91-1 CPD 463

PROCUREMENT - Bid Protests - Dismissal - Definition DIGEST: 1. Where protest of cancellation of solicitation after bid opening does not allege any reason why cancellation was improper, protest is dismissed for failure to state a legally sufficient basis. PROCUREMENT - Bid Protests - GAO procedures - Preparation costs PROCUREMENT - Competitive Negotiation - Offers - Preparation costs 2. Where protest is dismissed for failure to state a legally sufficient basis, protester is not entitled to recover bid preparation or protest costs.


Techno Engineering Construction, Ltd.:

Techno Engineering Construction, Ltd. protests the cancellations of invitation for bids (IFB) Nos. N62471-89-B-1341 and N62471-89-B-1343, issued by the Department of the Navy for construction work at the Ford Island Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

We dismiss the protests.

Our Bid Protest Regulations provide that a protest shall include a detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of protest, 4 C.F.R. Sec. 21.1(c)(4) (1991), and that the grounds stated be legally sufficient. 4 C.F.R. Sec. 21.1(e). This requirement contemplates that protesters will provide, at a minimum, either allegations or evidence sufficient, if uncontradicted, to establish the likelihood of the protester's claim of improper agency action. Basic Supply Co., Inc., B-241683, Oct. 31, 1990, 90-2 CPD Para. 362.

Techno's protests state only that the Navy canceled the IFBs after bid opening because of a change in the agency's mission. An agency may cancel an IFB after bid opening if it has a compelling reason to do so- for example, a change in the government's requirements. See Federal Acquisition Regulation Sec. 14.404-1(a)(1); Pneumatrek, Inc., B-225136, Feb. 24, 1987, 87-1 CPD Para. 202. Techno does not argue that the cancellations were improper in this regard; the protests therefore fail to set forth a legally sufficient basis as required by our Regulations. See Basic Supply Co., Inc., B-241683, supra.

Techno also requests award of bid preparation and protest costs. Our authority to award such costs is predicated on a determination by our Office that an agency has acted contrary to statute or regulation. U.S.C. Sec. 3554(c)(1) (1988). As Techno has not provided us with any basis to make such a determination, it is not entitled to reimbursement of its costs.

The protests are dismissed.

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