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[Request for Reconsideration of Dismissed Protest of Air Force Solicitation]

B-227061.3 Published: Jan 28, 1988. Publicly Released: Jan 28, 1988.
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A firm requested reconsideration of its dismissed protest of an Air Force solicitation. GAO had dismissed the protest, since the protester failed to timely submit a copy of the protest to the contracting activity. In its request for reconsideration, the protester contended that communications difficulties and the contracting activity's overseas location made the requirement unreasonable. GAO held that: (1) it was the protester's responsibility to take potential mailing difficulties into account when filing a protest involving an overseas procurement; and (2) the protester failed to timely submit a copy of the protest to the contracting activity. Accordingly, the dismissal was affirmed.

Office of Public Affairs


Air Force procurementBid protest reconsiderationsBid protest regulationsMail delivery problemsSolicitation specifications waiversBid evaluation protestsU.S. Air ForceProcurementIntellectual property rights