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[Protest of Contract Award Challenging Air Force Nonresponsiveness Determination]

B-217101 Published: Feb 25, 1985. Publicly Released: Feb 25, 1985.
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A firm protested an Air Force contract award, challenging the Air Force's determination that its bid was nonresponsive. GAO noted that, although the protester failed to offer the required brand name product in its bid, it still offered to satisfy all the needs of the Air Force; therefore, rejection of its bid as nonresponsive was improper. Accordingly, the protest was sustained. GAO noted that, since the contract was completed, the protester was entitled to bid preparation costs. The protester's request for a new contract or for anticipated profits from the current contract could not be legally granted.

Office of Public Affairs


Air Force procurementBid preparation costsBid responsivenessIrregular procurementSolicitation specificationsU.S. Air ForceBid evaluation protestsImproper award of contractProfits