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Request for Reconsideration

B-200775.2 May 07, 1981
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A firm requested reconsideration of a prior decision which denied its protest against the award of a contract issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. Although not providing any factual or legal grounds upon which the request was based, the protester stated that this request for reconsideration would be supplemented within 5 working days. Notwithstanding this assertion, the protester had not submitted the supplemental statement. Requests for reconsideration must be filed within 10 working days after the basis for reconsideration is known or should have been known, contain a detailed statement of the factual and legal grounds upon which reversal or modification of the decision is deemed warranted, and specify any errors of law made or information not previously considered. A timely request for reconsideration must contain that detailed statement; the furnishing of those details after the 10-day filing period has elapsed, even where an unsupported reconsideration request was filed within the period, will not suffice. Since the required detailed statement was not filed within 10 working days after the protester's receipt of the decision, the request for reconsideration was untimely and not for consideration.


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