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Request To Reconsider GAO Position on Filing Bid Protest

B-193810 Published: Jul 17, 1979. Publicly Released: Jul 17, 1979.
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A firm requested reconsideration of its bid protest even though it was untimely. The firm argued that there was good cause for lateness because it needed more than 10 days to examine and analyze the information received due to the large volume of material (423 pages). GAO held that the "good cause" exception to the timely filing requirement was not allowable in this case because 10 working days was not an unreasonably short period of time within which the firm was expected to examine 423 pages of information and file a brief statement of the grounds for protest. In addition, the issue raised by the firm would not be considered a "significant issue" of widespread interest to the entire procurement community so as to warrant consideration, notwithstanding the timeliness issue. Protests alleging that specifications have been tailored to favor a particular bidder or that only one competitor could meet the specifications do not present a significant issue within the meaning of the regulations. Therefore, GAO declined to consider the protest.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs