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Request for Refund of Alleged Excess Discounts Taken for Prompt Payment

B-166159 Published: Jun 03, 1975. Publicly Released: Jun 03, 1975.
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The contractor requested a refund of alleged excess discounts taken under its contract. The contractor had submitted invoices stating discount terms of 1/8 of 1 percent for payment within 20 days although the contract had provided for a discount of 1/10 of 1 percent for 20 days, and the Government had paid within the 20 days and taken the discount offered on the invoices. The contractor was entitled to refund of the difference between the discount rates since the record indicated that the discount rate on the invoices resulted from a clerical error and not from a voluntary increase in the rate and since the contractor did not acquiesce in the deduction of the higher rate.

Full Report

Office of Public Affairs