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Claim by Member for Travel Allowances for Dependent and Temporary Lodging Allowance

B-181522 Feb 24, 1975
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An advance decision was requested concerning a member's claim incident to a permanent change of station for travel by a dependent from the continental United States (CONUS) to Hawaii, return travel to CONUS, and for a temporary lodging allowance (TLA) while in Hawaii. The member, who was ordered to a ship homeported at Hawaii, shipped his household goods to Hawaii, and upon learning of a home port change to San Francisco, arranged quarters there prior to departure from CONUS to Hawaii with his dependent. His claims may not be paid since his intent to establish bona fide residence in Hawaii was not demonstrated and conditions required for TLA were not documented. However, he was entitled to dependent's travel allowance based on the distance from the old to the new duty station.

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